【問題】Atlantic salmon ?推薦回答

關於「Atlantic salmon」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:


Myogenesis and muscle metabolism in juvenile Atlantic salmon ...。

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) made transgenic for growth hormone (GH) and non-transgenic salmon were sampled at 4 and 7 months of age to estimate myogenic ...。

Levesque, HM, Shears, MA, Fletcher, GL, Moon, TW (2008 ...。

Levesque, HM, Shears, MA, Fletcher, GL, Moon, TW (2008). Myogenesis and muscle metabolism in Juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) made transgenic for ...。

Risk assessment of the environmental impact of Norwegian Atlantic ...。

Abstract. Norwegian aquaculture has grown from its pioneering days in the 1970s to be a major industry. It is primarily based on culturing Atlantic salmon ...。

Trends in marine survival of Atlantic salmon populations in eastern ...。

2021年6月21日 · Declines in wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) abundance throughout ... of two size groups: small (<63 cm FL) and large (≥63 cm FL) salmon, ...。

Growth Enhancement in Transgenic Atlantic Salmon by the Use of ...。

1992年2月1日 · Fletcher, G.L. and Davies, P.L. 1991. Transgenic fish for aquaculture, 331–370. In: Genetic Engineering, Principles and Methods. J. Setlow (Ed.) ...。

Redefining the oceanic distribution of Atlantic salmon - Nature。

2021年6月10日 · The Atlantic salmon is one of the world's most studied fish, ... Lacroix, G. L. Population-specific ranges of oceanic migration for adult ...。

First feeding of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., under different ...。

Abstract. First feeding fry of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., were reared under four experimental light regimes from mid-June until mid-September.: tw | tw。

Comparative economic performance and carbon footprint of two ...。

Ocean net pen production of Atlantic salmon is approaching 2 million metric tons (MT) annually and has proven to be cost- and energy-efficient. Recently, with ...: tw | tw。

Want Cleaner, Healthier Salmon? Raise Them on Land - Bloomberg。

2021年6月17日 · Sustainable fish farmers say rearing salmon far away from their wild ... Nova Scotia's Sustainable Blue and Florida's Atlantic Sapphire ASA ...

常見Atlantic salmon問答